Set Apart and Sanctified

A Word from Pastor Henry

While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.”

(Acts 13:2)

As we turn our hearts in humility to the one who sacrificed all for us, our verse reminds us that fasting and prayer are a beautiful part of our worship. Fasting and prayer removes the distractions, filters out the noise, and draws us near to Christ. Jesus is easier to hear the closer we are to Him. God will speak with clarity if we provide the environment through which it is easy for the Holy Spirit to speak. Christ will direct the more we surrender our will to His.

Our focus of prayer for this week is that God set us apart (sanctify, consecrate, make holy), and that His spirit continues to transform us into the likeness of His son. If you desire to join us in corporate prayer, we meet in the prayer room at Calvary from 12-1 PM each Tuesday. If your heart is inclined to come but cannot make it, then please set aside some time during that hour to pray from wherever you are.

Above all, may Christ be exalted in your life!


October Highlights


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